Ecology volunteering

World Around People Ecology volunteering

Eco-volunteers work with nature reserves and conservation organizations. They help in the harvesting and arrangement of protected areas, research and many other things. Eco-volunteers also take part in various evevts, and sometimes they just keep an eye on the cleanup of their city, district, or even courtyard. Work with the population is an equally important aspect of their activities. Volunteers teach people how to live in harmony with nature, talk about ongoing environmental campaigns or how to properly dispose of garbage

“Civic Initiative” – ​​these are organizations that arise to solve one or another prominent social problem. Most often, such organizations have an environmental focus, although spontaneous group initiatives to visit orphanages to organize holidays or renovate premises can also be attributed to them. There are “civic initiatives” and in emergency situations. Such volunteer organizations live as long as the problem of concern to them is not solved. As soon as the goal is achieved, they either disintegrate, or move on to solving similar problems in general, and then take the form of a “Community” or “Bunches of grapes”. The peculiarity of the Civic Initiative is that, depending on internal agreements and on the talents and capabilities of leaders, it can have any organizational form, from a gathering of residents of one house for the sake of putting things in order in a nearby park to a powerful Internet community tracking illegal landfills. Control systems can be both horizontal and rigidly vertical. Material resources can be, as a priority, internal (all participants are discounted for a thousand rubles), and absolutely external (corporate sponsor). The activities of such organizations are actions, events, projects.